BPS - définition. Qu'est-ce que BPS
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est BPS - définition

Bps; BPS (disambiguation)

bps is a measurement of the speed at which computer data is transferred, for example by a modem. bps is an abbreviation for 'bits per second'. (COMPUTING)
A minimum 28,800 bps modem is probably the slowest you'll want to put up with.



BPS, Bps or bps may refer to:

Exemples de prononciation pour BPS
1. However, they're using BPS now.
Missing Shade of Green, Creating a Super Natural Home _ Beth Greer _ Talks at Google
2. buy the Vanguard fund for five BPs
DIY Financial Advisor _ Wesley Gray _ Talks at Google
3. of trying to understand, trying to reconcile those two BPs,
The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist - When Girl Meets Oil _ Christine Bader _ Talks at Google
4. products, certain types of plastics like BPA and BPS,
Body Love Every Day _ Celebrity Health Coach Kelly LeVeque _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour BPS
1. Thai Oil‘s 2015 bonds moved out by about 10 bps to 145/135 bps over Treasuries.
2. In syndication banks were invited to commit $60 million–equivalent for an upfront fee of 60 bps, $40 million for 45 bps, or $20 million for 30 bps.
3. As previously reported, banks were invited to commit $75 million equivalent as mandated lead arrangers for an upfront fee of 75 bps, $50 million equivalent as lead arrangers for 60 bps, or $20 million equivalent as arrangers for 40 bps.
4. Thailand‘s five–year credit default swaps –– insurance–like contracts that offer protection against debt default or restructuring –– widened by 10 basis points (bps) to 42/47 bps.
5. Treasuries, widening from a launch price of 265 bps over.